Tax Compliance

The Global Relations Unit - A member of the Tax Audit and Compliance Division

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Browse the list of online forms available below.

AEOI Questionnaire

Entities notified by the Authority that they have been selected for an Automatic Exchange of Information Compliance Audit are required to complete this form.

Corporation Tax Prepayment Return

Multinational entities under Pillar Two must file this form and make monthly prepayments to ensure compliance with the Income Tax (Amendment) (No.) Bill 2023.

Country-By-Country Notification Form

Constituent entities of a Multinational Enterprise (MNE) Group that is resident in Barbados must complete this form to ensure compliance with Section 5 of the Income Tax (Country-by-Country Reporting) Act, 2021-27.

Deregistration Form

Entities requesting to be deregistered from the Authority’s Automatic Exchange of Information (“AEOI”) Web Portal for the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (“FATCA”) and/or the Common Reporting Standard (“CRS”) are required to complete this form.

Tax Residency (Companies) Form

Companies (including Societies) are required to submit the corporate documents of the company, all relevant licences issued by governmental regulators in Barbados, and minutes from the Board of Directors meetings.

Tax Residency (Individuals) Form

Individuals are required to submit two forms of valid identification, evidence of a permanent home, or documentation that the individual spent in the aggregate more than 182 days in Barbados, depending on the nature of the application.